Environmental Site Assessment

Executive Summary

Visual Inspection

Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs)

Environmental Site Assessment Phase I
Typically requested as part of a commercial real estate transaction, the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is completed to research the current and historical uses of a property.
The intent is to assess whether current or historical property uses have impacted the soil or groundwater beneath the property and if this impact poses a threat to human health or the environment.
Issues present potential liability for the lender or owner, as well as affecting the value of the property. An ESA Phase I protects your investment.
Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I
TBK Environmental completes comprehensive Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, for real estate transactions, property development, bank financing, refinancing, and foreclosures, as well as other in-house proactive audit programs.
All ESAs are completed to ASTM 1527-2005/2013 standard satisfying all appropriate inquiry.
Our in-house research department accesses an extensive archive of historical information as well as conducting:
- On-Site reconnaissance for a standard Phase I & II ESA with in-depth interviews of knowledgeable site contacts.
- Interviews with appropriate Government and Private Sector sources of information.
- Review of standard environmental record sources from local, state, and federal agencies within ASTM approximate minimum search distances.
To ensure your ESA is completed accurately, thoroughly, and on time.

When working with TBK for your Environmental Site Assessment, you can expect:
- Regular updates for all stakeholders during the process
- Strict client confidentiality
- Use of PARCEL for multiple site portfolios
- HUD, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac compliance
- Incorporation of specific lender requirements for issuance or reliance language for the purposes of making loan decisions.
The TBK Environmental Site Assessment Phase I Includes
Executive Summary
Your executive summary includes a clear Scope of Work and Provision of Supporting Documentation as well as Sources Checked.
Visual Inspection
A visual inspection for the purpose of identifying suspect Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) is always included in an Environmental Site Assessment from TBK.
A clear summary of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) will identify releases to the environment (or potential releases to the environment) of hazardous substances or petroleum products on/in/near the vicinity of the property.
Phase II Proposal
If conditions warrant additional investigation, a written Phase II Environmental Site Assessment proposal, describing means for identifying and characterizing environmental contamination revealed during a Phase I ESA, will be prepared upon request.